Container shipping in China, ferries in Japan and survey vessels in Norway. These are just some of the examples of remote operated shipping around the world. Companies are racing to develope vessels with no people on board or with reduced crew. Many roles will be conducted at control rooms many miles away or even perhaps on the other side of the world. A controller could be in charge of multiple ships at one time.
Rosebank Court Case and Protesters
Rosebank Oil Field Location Map
The Rosebank field map location : Atlantic Ocean, north west of Shetland Islands, UK.
Updates :-
Mike Oday Right now there must be a captain on board a ship. However, as the technology improves, it is thought that in the future new legislation could be introduced to allow for fully remote ships.
Urian Udell Having multiple cameras at all angles around a ship seems like it might give the captain a better view than the traditional binoculars from the bridge.
Pablo Manente Will this make it easier for pirates to gain control? They could certainly get o board easier if there are no security personnel. However, the ships would not need a bridge. There would be no need for windows. The control room and engine room could be inside high security protected walls.
Amanda Duarte I can see this becoming common place. It will make shipping far cheaper too. No need to have people on board for long voyages. No need for cooks or cleaning staff. No food bills. No need to carry drinking water or pot water for toilets. This will all make ships lighter too, since there will be no accomodation areas, galley, food and water storage or other areas required for human work and habitation. Lighter ships will be more economical.