With beautiful beaches and turquoise water, Eilat is a popular Red Sea holiday spot. This southernmost Israeli city is also home to an oil port terminal. Tankers dock here, just meters away from pristine coral reefs and teaming marine life, including resident dolphins. As an alternative to the Suez Canal ships can offload their oil at the Red Sea port. A pipeline then transfers the oil North as far as the Mediterranean Sea. Until now, only around 2 tankers a year have used the facility. This could now increase to 1 or 2 tankers a week! Environmental organisations are very concerned by this development.
Rosebank Court Case and Protesters
Rosebank Oil Field Location Map
The Rosebank field map location : Atlantic Ocean, north west of Shetland Islands, UK.
Updates :-
Amanda Duarte They are taking a big risk, one spill and the economy of Eilat will be devastated. Dive centers would close, hotels and restaurants would go out of business.
Jane Duncan The nature reserve and national park area are close enough to the port to be badly effected by a spill. Causing irreparable damage to the reef system. It has the most northerly shallow water coral reef in the world. It is of special interest to scientists because it seems to be more resilient to climate change.